About our school
Welcome to BBS Cora Berliner and thank you for visiting our site.
We are a vocational school located in Hannover, the capital of the German federal state of Lower Saxony. We were created by the merger of two old-established schools (BBS Handel der Region Hannover and BBS 14 der Region Hannover) on 1 August 2021. Currently we have three sites in Hannover.
Our 4000 students are being trained for jobs in business administration, the leisure and the trading industry. Our team comprises about 140 teachers, many committed to the development of international contacts.
Within the framework of the Dual System of Vocational Education & Training our students attend the Berufsschule on a part-time basis between 8 to 13 lessons per week alongside with (initial) training in the workforce for two to three years.
Usually, the trainees spend three to four days a week at the workplace and one to two days a week at the Berufsschule. In some cases instruction takes the form of coherent blocks.
At school students are provided with a basic and specialized vocational training, while permitting them to continue their general education. The businesses teach specialist and general qualifications tailored to occupational practice.
We train
* Bookseller
* Warehouse logistics specialist
* Trainee specialist for office communication
* Sales trainee
* Visual marketing designer
* Management assistant for office management
* Management assistant for office management in cooperation with a vocational training centre
* Management assistant in office management (virtual) for people with a disability
* Management assistant in e-commerce
* Management assistant in retail trade
* Management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade management
* Management assistant for tourism and leisure
* Sports and fitness management assistant
* Tourism Management Assistant (Management Assistant for Private and Business Travel)
* Event management assistant
* Sales assistant
Together with the above we offer three-year courses in Business Administration within our Fachschule Betriebswirtschaft (Technical school providing advanced vocational training). The advanced training is designed to enable experienced personnel to carry out functions with a medium level of responsibility.
For information on current issues of vocational education and training in Europe click here: BIBB Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
Einjährige Berufsfachschule – Wirtschaft – für Realschulabsolventinnen und -absolventen
(at present as a pilot project called ‘Höhere Handelsschule Dual’ and ‘Höhere Handelsschule Dual Plus’)
This full-time vocational schools for business occupations provides students with vocational education at the same time as continuing their general education. It takes one school-year (including a placement in a company) and requires the intermediate school leaving certificate (ie successful completion of class 10 of an intermediate level secondary school (‘Realschule’). The Höhere Handelsschule Dual mostly leads to an apprenticeship while the Höhere Handelsschule Dual Plus mainly leads to further school attendance.
Fachoberschule Wirtschaft
This technical secondary school for business occupations covers (the 11th and) 12th year and requires a ‘Realschule’ leaving certificate (ie successful completion of class 10 of an intermediate level secondary school). It provides students with general and specialized theoretical & practical knowledge and skills for business and administration. Practical training in business takes place in the 11th year. ie in the first year of this school type on four days a week for the whole year. Alongside this students are expected to spend at least eight hours per week in class. The 12th year comprises at least 30 lessons per week of general and business-related instruction. At least three-fifths of compulsory classes are taken up with general subjects.
[Currently this text is currently bein revised.]
Following full-time compulsory education, the majority of young people in Germany go on to gain vocational qualifications through the dual system. The system is described as a ‘dual’ system because training is carried out in two places of learning, ie at the workplace and in the ‘Berufsschule’. At the end of vocational training students sit the final examination at the chamber of industry and commerce and are awarded a certificate showing proficiency in a state-recognized training profession. This entitles them to practise their occupation as a qualified employee in one of the state-recognized occupations for which formal training is required. Together with the chamber’s certificate, the leaving certificate issued by the ‘Berufsschule’ entitles their holders to advanced educational training at a ‘Fachschule’ or sometimes even study at a university.
Up to now we have been cooperating in LEONARDO IVT and Erasmus+ KA1 Projects and we are keen to set up and develop more international educational projects.
By creating a network of contacts with other schools and businesses we aim to broaden the horizon of both students and teachers in terms of cultural and work experience abroad – for the mutual benefit of schools, business and … people.
If you feel that our profile could be of interest to you or if you simply need further information, please contact our International Affairs Coordinator:
Thank you for your attention.